Feb 7 | DLSBD hosts Grown in DC Grant Info Session

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The Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) is excited to announce that we are soliciting applications for Grown in DC, an initiative of the Healthy Foods Retail Program established by the District of Columbia. DSLBD intends to award up to five (5) grants from the $120,000 in total available funding to eligible DC-based for profit or non-profit organizations. Renewal of a portion of the funding is possible, for up to an additional two years. Applicants may prepare budget amounts between $20,000-$60,000 for consideration.  

The Food, Environmental, and Economic Development in the District of Columbia Act of 2010 (FEED Act) established the Healthy Food Retail Program with DSLBD to expand access to healthy foods in eligible areas. The purpose of this grant is to sustainably expand local access to healthy foods either through or with farmers markets or through or with small food retailers (including cornerstores). Preference will be given to applications demonstrating hyper-local collaboration or partnerships within the eligible areas. All work must be completed within the eligible areas as defined by the FEED Act, Census Tract: 103, 33.01, 94, 95.05, 95.07, or 95.08. Organizations based outside of the eligible area can apply, but partnership with organizations from the eligible area is required. 

How do I apply? 

For additional guidance please see the Request for Applications (RFA) on the DSLBD website that will be released on or before January 31, 2019: https://dslbd.dc.gov/service/current-solicitations-opportunities  


The deadline to apply online is March 15, 2019 at 2 pm. Applications will only be accepted through the online application system. 

Who can apply? 

DC-based for profit and non-profit organizations. See the Request for Applications for additional eligibility requirements. 

How can the funds be used?  

The funds can be used increase access to healthy foods in the eligible areas.  Examples of allowable and disallowed uses are detailed in the RFA linked to above. 

How will awardees be selected? 

Grant recipients will be selected through a competitive application process. All applications from eligible applicants received on or before the deadline will be forwarded to an independent review panel to be evaluated, scored, and ranked based on the following criteria:   

  1. Capacity and Experience of the Applicant  (25 points)

  2. Adherence to DC Code §  2–1212.31.(25 points)

  3. Strength of the Proposal (25 points)

  4. Hyper-local Connectivity and Innovation (25 points) 

A DC Government team will review the recommendations. The Director of DLSBD will make the final determination of grant awards. Grantees will be selected by March 31, 2019.   


We encourage interested applicants to attend an Application Information Session. Please refer to the RFA for the most accurate information about the date, time and location of this meeting.   

Questions may be sent to Kate Mereand or Virginia-Marie Roure at the Department of Small and Local Business Development at Katherine.Mereand-Sinha@dc.gov or Virginia-Marie.Roure@dc.gov. All questions not asked during the information session must be submitted in writing.  


DSLBD reserves the right to issue addenda and/or amendments subsequent to the issuance of this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) or RFA, or to rescind the NOFA or RFA at any time.